Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance your body image and self-confidence. Dr. Ronan will discuss your options and talk about what you can expect from the procedure in order to ensure you’re comfortable with the results.
Breast augmentation – also known as augmentation mammoplasty – is a popular procedure in which saline or silicone breast implants are inserted to increase the size of the breasts.
Breast augmentation – also known as augmentation mammoplasty – is a popular procedure in which saline or silicone breast implants are inserted to increase the size of the breasts.
Breast augmentation can be performed with either saline or silicone breast implants. Saline implants look and feel like natural breasts, but they need to be replaced every 10 years because they lose their shape over time. Silicone gel-filled implants last longer than saline ones, but both types of implants must be removed if you want your breasts to return to their natural size.
Breast augmentation can enhance your body image and self-confidence.
One of the most common reasons women consider breast augmentation is because they want to feel more confident in their own skin. Breast augmentation can enhance your body image and self-confidence, helping you feel better about yourself both physically and emotionally. Once you’re able to see the results of your surgery, you may find that it makes a difference even when nobody else is around! It’s not uncommon for women who have undergone breast augmentation to report feeling better about themselves during social events like work functions or parties at home. They might dress more confidently because they are more comfortable in their clothes, which can have an impact on how others perceive us as well.
It’s important to note that there are many options available for breast implants—from saline (soft) silicone gel implants made from liquid silicone gel; solid silicone gel implants made from solidified silicone rubber; or a combination of both soft/solid materials depending on individual needs/preferences—so it’s best to consult with board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in aesthetic procedures such as this one before deciding which one is right for YOU!
Dr. Ronan will discuss your options and talk about what you can expect from breast augmentation.
You can expect to talk with Dr. Ronan about your options and what you can expect from breast augmentation. He will discuss the procedure, risks, and benefits of breast augmentation. He will also talk about what he thinks would be a good option for you based on your goals.
You can go home after surgery, which will take one to two hours.
● You can go home after surgery, which will take one to two hours.
● You can walk around and drive yourself home afterward.
● If you prefer, someone else (like a friend or family member) can drive you home after your surgery.
● You can shower the next day if you want to get your hair wet again. This is also a good time to wash and style it so it looks great when you go out on the town with friends!
It typically takes 20-30 minutes to insert each breast implant, though this may vary depending on the patient’s anatomy and the type of implants used.
It typically takes 20-30 minutes to insert each breast implant, though this may vary depending on the patient’s anatomy and the type of implants used. Depending on your own anatomy, your surgeon may choose to place your implants behind or beneath your chest muscle (subglandular) or behind it (submuscular). The method they choose depends on their preference and how much fat they want to use in order to create a natural look.
In most cases where an incision under the breast is used, there will be no visible scars as long as all sutures are removed by one month after surgery.
Implants are inserted either behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle.
When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, there are a few different options for where the implants can be placed.
One of the most common options is where the implant is inserted behind the chest muscle, which adds volume and projection to your breasts without causing much change in their shape. Another option is inserting them under the tissues of your breast itself—this also adds volume, but it also gives you an opportunity to customize their appearance after surgery by adjusting how much softer or firmer they feel. If you’re looking for something more natural-looking than traditional implants allow for, this might be a good choice! Finally, there are some surgeons who recommend placing implants behind both layers: one behind each layer of tissue (known as submuscular placement). This kind of procedure requires removing less fat from around your chest area during surgery than subglandular placement does—but it also requires some extra skill on behalf of your surgeon and can potentially cause issues down the road if they aren’t careful enough when inserting everything into place!
If you’re interested in getting breast implants, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ronan.
If you’re interested in getting breast implants, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ronan. To schedule your appointment, please call the office at (925) 230-4853 or fill out the form below.
● You will be asked to provide your name, contact information and insurance information
● If you have health insurance, we ask that you pay your copay before scheduling your consultation as well. Copays are typically $50-$100 per visit. Please note that if you are uninsured or have Medicare/Medicaid coverage only, then no payment is needed at this time; however, there may be additional costs associated with our services once surgery is completed (including anesthesia and postoperative care).
The results of breast augmentation are long-lasting, but your breasts will continue to change over time due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, gravity, and other factors.
While the results of breast augmentation are long-lasting, your breasts will continue to change over time due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, gravity, and other factors. Breast implants are not permanent and can be removed if desired. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing due to increased risks of infection or complications that could affect their baby. In some cases, you may want a less invasive procedure such as fat grafting after breast augmentation surgery has been performed by Dr. Celeste Cunningham in order to achieve better results with less risk involved. If you have any history of cancer (including breast cancer), it is important to discuss this with Dr. Cunningham before undergoing breast augmentation surgery because there is an increased chance that your implants might be dislodged or leak if they come into contact with your lymph nodes during removal surgery.*
In most cases, you’ll need to take it easy for a few days after surgery.
In most cases, you’ll need to take it easy for a few days after surgery.
● Most doctors recommend that you don’t lift anything heavier than 5 pounds and avoid strenuous activity (such as lifting, pushing or pulling) for at least one week.
● After this point, you can slowly increase the amount of time that you’re physically active by no more than 30 minutes per day until reaching an exercise routine of about an hour every other day.
● If you have any pain or discomfort during this time, contact your doctor right away; he or she may recommend pain medication to help with symptoms.
● It’s important to care for your incision area properly so it heals properly and feels comfortable when dressing post-surgery—this includes wearing a compression garment immediately after surgery while recovering at home and then continuing to wear one over your bra 24/7 until all stitches are removed in order to prevent swelling from occurring around the incision site as well as ensure proper scarring results over time (if needed).
You’ll be able to see your new shape as soon as you wake up from surgery, although it will take several months for everything to heal into place.
You’ll be able to see your new shape as soon as you wake up from surgery, although it will take several months for everything to heal into place.
You can’t see the final results until the swelling goes down. You may need to wear a bra for a few weeks after surgery to help with healing and manage pain.
Your plastic surgeon can answer any questions or concerns you have about breast augmentation.
If you’ve read through this guide and still have questions, we want to answer them. Your plastic surgeon can answer any questions or concerns you have about breast augmentation—from what it’s like to recover from the procedure to potential risks, and even how much it will cost.
There’s no shame in asking for more information before making a big decision! The best way to be sure of your options is by speaking with someone who has experience with these procedures firsthand.”
Our team is here to answer any questions or concerns you have about breast augmentation. We’re happy to help guide you through the process, from making an appointment with Dr. Ronan to recovery after your surgery.
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery & MedSpa
3600 Blackhawk Plaza Cir, Danville, CA 94506
Visit Us: Breast augmentation surgery